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Implementing effective oral health care routines includes always assessing any damage that could occur and taking the necessary steps to prevent any further damage from arising. If you’re routinely setting forth effective treatment plans to improve your smile, you run less chance of suffering dental damage later on. Make sure that all aspects of your oral health care are in tune and are updated with modern techniques and applied correctly and safely.

The first step to a healthy smile includes making sure you are brushing and flossing every single day. Not only do you need to brush twice daily and floss once daily, but you should do so with safe and effective tools that can function correctly to accomplish the tasks they are assigned with. For an additional level of protection, consider the use of supplementary cleaning tools such as mouthwash and sugarless chewing gum for your oral health care needs.

If you are wanting to keep your smile safe from oral health risks that can arise, make sure to implement effective care with your lifestyle and diet, which includes the avoidance of bad habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco or using drugs. Also, it can be helpful to avoid the use of mouth jewelry. All of these bad habits can lead to dental damage. Another important fact is to remember to improve your diet by eliminating harmful substances from it including sugars, starches, or any other substance that can be converted into harmful acids in your mouth that can contribute to dental erosion.

Do you wish to learn more about oral health care and its effect on your smile? If so, please call 732-341-1120 to schedule an appointment with Oak Ridge Dental Group at our dental office in Toms River, New Jersey, for your oral health care treatments. Dr. Christopher Lillo and our expert team look forward to seeing you soon!